Bug Reports
Enhance Scheduling

- Ability to select the day within the month instead of clicking next day every time

- Ability to select the duration of the lesson6078b574a50fa

  • Ability to make the lessons recurring by selecting the days of the week6078b5fe5115d

****- Ability to select the day within the month instead of clicking next day every time**** ![6078b4c0560cb](serve/attachment&path=6078b4c0560cb) ****- Ability to select the duration of the lesson****![6078b574a50fa](serve/attachment&path=6078b574a50fa) - **Ability to make the lessons recurring by selecting the days of the week**![6078b5fe5115d](serve/attachment&path=6078b5fe5115d)
edited Dec 9 '22 at 11:15 am
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