Feature Requests
Allow chat/message to teacher without Zoom session [feature]

Sometimes it would be nice if I could leave my teacher a brief message before/after the class for organizational reasons. Typical examples would be:

I'll be 5 mins late
Please send me the link you have mentioned
I have problems with my ZOOM setup right now

Of course, I can do this via email, but this is sometimes inconvenient or missing a re-confrmaton.

It is VERY clear that this option must not be abused for questions about the content of the class. It is not meant for teaching Spanish, but for organizational questions only.

But it would be helpful if I could directly reach out to my teacher for organization issues. Example: https://forum.octb.us/index.php?u=/topic/17/no-message-or-info-classes-are-unavailable-bug

-- Edit --

Thanks for the feedback, but for me there is no list of teachers like in your screenshot. I would not know how I could send a message to my teacher.


Sometimes it would be nice if I could leave my teacher a brief message before/after the class for organizational reasons. Typical examples would be: > I'll be 5 mins late > Please send me the link you have mentioned > I have problems with my ZOOM setup right now Of course, I can do this via email, but this is sometimes inconvenient or missing a re-confrmaton. It is VERY clear that this option must not be abused for questions about the content of the class. It is not meant for teaching Spanish, but for organizational questions only. But it would be helpful if I could directly reach out to my teacher for organization issues. Example: https://forum.octb.us/index.php?u=/topic/17/no-message-or-info-classes-are-unavailable-bug -- Edit -- Thanks for the feedback, but for me there is no list of teachers like in your screenshot. I would not know how I could send a message to my teacher. ![61fc41ec7e781](serve/attachment&path=61fc41ec7e781)
edited Feb 3 '22 at 3:59 pm

Great Idea. You can actually message your teacher in messages. Please see the screenshot below on how to access it. 61843a2485a80

Great Idea. You can actually message your teacher in messages. Please see the screenshot below on how to access it. ![61843a2485a80](serve/attachment&path=61843a2485a80)
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